Regional Data

Certificates and Degrees Awarded

This report shows the Certificates, Associates, Bachelors and Graduate Degrees awarded by Occupation.


Economic Overview for Okaloosa and Walton County

This overview contains a Demographic Profile; Employment Trends; Unemployment Rate; Wage Trends; Cost of Living Index; Industry and Occupation Snapshots; Industry Clusters and Educational Information.


Industry Forecast Data

This data includes Employment Totals, Wages, Five Year History, and One Year Forecasts by Industry.


Industry Overview of Okaloosa Walton

This overview contains Industry Snapshots, Staffing Patterns. Geographic Distribution, Employment Distribution, Establishments, and Post-Secondary Programs linked to Industries.


Okaloosa Walton Military Exits by Occupation

This report shows the Number of Military Exits by Occupation.



This report shows Regional Demographics by Age, Race, Education, Housing and Social Variables.


Real Time Intelligence Occupational Summary

This snapshot shows Advertised Jobs by Employers, Certifications, Skills, Education and Job Types.